- Reports based on account database records (i.e Balances, Birthdays, Hotlist etc) can include additional user specified database fields.
- User definable database fields.
- Account balances / Starting balances reports.
- Hotlisted cards / Hotlisted liability reports.
- Audit trail reports.
- Account balance report includes ECR pending values if Pending Updates are enabled.
- Account usage reports (Inactive / Last Used / Never Used).
- Ranking points and spend report over a selected date range.
- Purchase History reports shows which products were purchased & in what quantity, require the link to ECR Manager.
- Purchase Ranking report ranks products purchased in descending popularity across a time period.
- Cashless Posting / Cashless liability report.
- All reports save their settings so they are used the next time the same report is produced.
Cashless in Education
- Reduces the need for cash to be carried by pupils and staff.
Cashless payment system.
- Ensures the pupils spend their allowance in school.
- Faster throughput of pupils at the ECR when time is short.
- Promote healthy eating.
- Free meal stigma removed.
- Photocopying / Printer purse.
- Access control / Registration.
- Combined payment / photograph and library card.
- Operator passwords, limit the access to various system options.
- Links to external applications (Wisepay, Parentpay, Tucassi, Parentmail, Sims….)
- Links to Real time Coin Loader and Revaluation stations.
- Nexus interface.
Smart cards for Retail and Leisure
For use in Golf clubs, Social clubs, Retail and Hospitality outlets, giving the advantages of:-
- Loyalty and Discount card
- Prepayment cash card
- Membership and ID card
- Door Access
- Promote individual items
- Happy hour points
- Improve cash flow and security
- Reduces queuing at checkout.
- Birthday acknowledgements
- Random draw facility at ECR.
Smart Card Gift and Loyalty
Either as a completely standalone terminal or linked back to a computer, the Gift and Loyalty package offers a completely portable off the shelf solution.
- Increase customer loyalty and repeat business.
- Points outstanding liability report.
- Points and two cash purses + YTD
- 11 user defined database fields.
- Birthday / Anniversary report.
- Points Redemption and issue report.
- Full audit trail and hotlisting.
- Export to Microsoft Word mail merge.
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